We all know that life can be so busy and so stressful! It’s easy to slip into complaining and negative thinking, but it is rarely helpful to do so. Here are some easy ways to keep going in a positive direction.
Start your day on a positive note, take 15 minutes (or more) and read something inspiring. This should come first before checking email, Facebook, or the news.
Give thanks, think of or write down 3-10 things you are grateful for. For a challenge try not to repeat any for a while. You can also use your gratitude journal for writing down your goals and dreams.
Writing down your dreams is a great way to keep them in the top of your mind which helps you to see new opportunities, and inspired to work toward your dreams.
Hang out with positive people. Everyone needs a little vent now and again, but some people are chronic complainers. This can zap your energy and leave you feeling grumpy yourself. You don’t have to ditch your friends and family, but limiting your time can be a healthy choice.
Finally, move your body. Some exercise each day will keep both your body and mind healthy and thriving. As a bonus, combine exercise with listening to a great book.
These small changes can add up to a happier you!